BUSHkids provides a wide range of free programs and services to support you as a parent/carer, and to help your kids develop and achieve their full potential in life.
Our therapy services can help your kids to improve their speech, behaviour, resilience, their capability to complete daily activities, and how they interact with you and other kids.
Our group programs help them develop their language and literacy skills, their fine motor skills (such as how to hold a pencil correctly or cut with scissors), and the social and emotional skills that will help them make and keep friends.
We also provide free workshops and group programs for parents/carers which will help you prepare your kids for starting school and encourage their early language, literacy and reading which are key building blocks to learning.
Our parent/carer programs, such as Triple P and 1-2-3 Magic, will give you the knowledge and practical skills needed to build better relationships with your kids, manage behaviour difficulties, and help you raise well behaved, loving, competent kids.
BUSHkids Online Resource Library
BUSHkids Resource Library contains a wide range of parent and family resources, including:
- Occupational Therapy Tip Sheets
- Speech Pathology Tip Sheets
- Wellbeing Tip Sheets
- BUSHkids A Steady Start to School
Produced by BUSHkids and available for you to view and download – click HERE