Summary of Service Streams

Providing individual and group allied health assessment, intervention and advice for children; targeted group programs for children; and parent and community education

  • Part funded by the State Government – Queensland Health in Bundaberg, Warwick and Dalby to provide family-centred individual and group allied health services for children up to 13 years of age
  • Part funded by State Government Department of Education – Non Schools Organisations in Mount Isa and Emerald to work closely with and within schools with school aged children
  • Currently 5 service centres – Bundaberg, Dalby, Emerald, Mount Isa and Warwick
  • Currently employ Occupational Therapists, Psychologists, Speech Pathologists and Family Health Support Workers

Providing Early Intervention for children and families to support child development and school readiness

  • Funded by the Federal Government Department of Social Services Children and Families Program to provide school readiness programs, supported playgroups, parenting support and advice and home visits
  • Currently 4 satellite sites in Agnes Water, Inglewood*, Kingaroy and Stanthorpe
  • Currently employ Child and Family Facilitators (CFF) and Team Leader – DSS (plus admin hours in Warwick)

*Note: Inglewood CFF position is fully funded by BUSHkids

Providing the early childhood approach on behalf of the NDIS

  • Funded by the Federal Government National Disability Insurance Agency to provide intake, assessment, linking and transdisciplinary family-centred early intervention for children younger than 6 with developmental delays and children younger than 9 with disability; NDIS planning and review of plans for children eligible for the scheme and community capacity building to support inclusion of children with developmental delay and disability
  • Currently 9 service centres – Bundaberg, Caloundra, Emerald, Gladstone, Gympie, Hervey Bay (Maryborough), Kingaroy, Maroochydore and Rockhampton
  • Teams consist of – Early Intervention Facilitators, Early Childhood Approach Coordinators, Senior Coordinators and Team Leaders, with Allied Health professionals including Speech Pathologists, Occupational Therapists, Social Workers, Physiotherapists and Psychologists

Providing a comprehensive ‘at home’ kindergarten program

  • Working in conjunction with a regional school and the Brisbane School of Distance Education.
  • eKindy provides kids who are unable to attend kindy regularly — either due to distance, medical condition or travelling/itinerant lifestyle — with a comprehensive ‘at home’ kindergarten program in the year before they enter Prep, through weekly online web sessions and regular contact with the child’s eKindy teacher.
  • In selected communities, children registered for eKindy can also join an eKindy pod at the local school, facilitated by BUSHkids, to learn with their peers and develop social skills before they start school.
  • Children taking part in eKindy receive 15 hours of kindergarten for 40 weeks of the year during term time, equivalent to a centre-based kindergarten program.
  • Parents and families should contact Brisbane School of Distance Education directly for enquiries about registering in eKindy – click here.

Building capacity of communities, parents and workforce to support children’s development

  • Implementing and adapting existing education, universal, prevention and intervention programs, workshops etc. (e.g. Read and Grow, Kindy Alert)
  • Developing bespoke education, universal, prevention and intervention programs, workshops (e.g. A Steady Start to School)
  • Undertaking research (e.g. telepractice, Narrative and Play)
  • Providing Student Placements and liaison with universities
  • Providing workforce mentoring for workers in early childhood care and education
  • Funding from BUSHkids through existing staff undertaking projects, Gambling Community Benefit Fund, from DSS for specific related work.

Embedded in local community. engaging with local community. responsive to local needs and priorities

  • Friends of BUSHkids
  • BUSHkids teams participation in and contribution to local networks
  • Local fundraising, volunteering and support