BUSHkids has been delivering services via telepractice since 2016 which, through research, has been tried-and-tested and proven effective for BUSHkids clients.
teleBUSHkids can take shape in many different ways.
You may meet with an individual clinician, such as a Speech Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, or a Psychologist.
Or join some of our group education programs that can be held over telepractice, such as BUSHkids’ A Steady Start to School, Triple P – Positive Parenting Program, Circle of Security, 1-2-3 Magic and Mother Goose.
Our team may also link in with community partners such as schools via telepractice.
More information about teleBUSHkids
click on the image
Speech Pathology via telepractice Telepractice Information for parents and carers
Tips for using the Zoom platform
BUSHkids uses the video conferencing platform Zoom for all telepractice appointments, because it offers a high level of security.
It is best to have it downloaded before your first session. You can download Zoom for your laptop or desktop computer here: https://zoom.us/download (you will need ‘Zoom Client for Meetings’). It is also be available in the App Store or on Google Play (for your tablet or mobile phone), search for the Zoom Cloud Meetings app.
Below are some links on how to Join A Meeting and how to Test your devices’ audio and video:
- Joining a meeting: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362193-Joining-a-meeting
- Testing device audio and video: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/201362283-Testing-computer-or-device-audio