
Emerald Golf Day

Thanks to the Emerald community for making our golf day fundraiser the best ever!

Last Saturday over a hundred players from 37 teams teed off for our annual golf day in Emerald. It was another fun event with fantastic support from the Emerald community who helped make it our most successful golf day ever!

With donations still coming in the event has already raised over $33,000 which will go toward funding the Allied Health position in the Emerald Leslie Wilson Outback Centre. Thanks to everyone for their generous contributions.

The Emerald Friends of BUSHkids did a great job organising the event and a massive thank you goes to them, and the team at Emerald Golf Club for once again supporting the day, especially Matt, Steve, Doug and all the helpers.

Thank you to our donors who supported us with cash and product donations.
Cash donations from Mitre10 – Emerald Co-op, Jellinbah Mine, Enwise, Westpac, Dulux, Lachlan Millar – Member for Gregory, Justin Benjamin & Laura Nolan, Charlie and Kay Wilson, Amanda Noone & Derek Mayne – Rocky Car Wash, Cliff Tucker Plumbing and Clinton and Ali Adams.

Product donations from Makita, Webber, Mitre10 Corporate, Dewalt.

Thank you to our Volunteers on the day.
Justin Benjamin, Doug Grey, Kay Wilson, Ali Adams, Selwyn Nuttley, Amanda Noone,
BUSHkids staff Rebecca Scanlan, Sarah Chicalas, Marcia Hayston, Kate Killeen

A special thank you to our hard-working FoBk Team
Charlie & Kay Wilson, Ali & Clinton Adams, Justin Benjamin, Amanda Noone and Doug Grey.

We could not have done this without you. Congratulations and Thank You.

Here are some photos from the day:

Emerald Golf Day